egSuperBusiness with Online Shopping/ Repeat Order

egSuperBusiness + Shop

No monthly fees; Free assistance/ standard support; Free templates; Free downloads
Open source code, just some files encrypted so it is easy to customize according to your needs.

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Price : $341.18    $153.53 (Discount 55%) Limited offer!

egSuperBusiness with Online Shopping or Repeat Order for your members, A Superb Software for your Super Business! If you want to sell products online with multi-level marketing system, then egSuperBusiness + Shop is the right software for your business.

Work with powerful Network Marketing Payplan (Pass-Up, Pool Bonus, Sponsor Bonus, Level Bonus/Matrix, etc...) and Advertising Program (Paid to Surf, Paid to Click, Paid to Watch, Classified ads, Text ads, Banner Ads, Solo ads). All those features can be run on your website.

You as an Interpreneur will be greatly helped to provide product or services to offer, Use the Advertising Program as your product & services while give your members more income streams from the Network Marketing Plans.

  • Advertising Program Run your Advertising Program

    Great Advertising System, Provide Advertising as your service such as Traffic ads (Paid to Surf - Paid to Click -Paid to Watch), Classified Ads, Banner Ads, Text Ads & Solo Ads

  • Online Shop Sell products online...

    You can sell tangible or intangible products online with powerful order management and also you can give your members a shopping bonus for each sale

  • Great Marketing Plan Revolving matrix, VIP matrix, Regular matrix, etc...

    Revolving matrix, VIP matrix, Regular matrix, Pool bonus, Pass-up bonus, Sponsor bonus, Reward point, etc. Can be easily configured (enable/ disable) for each feature.

  • Investment Features Run your own investment website...

    Great Investment Features: Unlimited investment packages with advanced configurable options. Can be easily configured (enable/ disable)

  • Automatic Payment Work automatic with various payment gateway

    Working with various payment gateway that supports Instant Payment Notification. Supporting Bitcoin payments, Bank transfer, many e-currencies and major payment gateways on internet.

  • Content Management System Manage your content online..

    Using 'Online Content Editor' you can edit your website content online in Admin Area. No need any special knowledge to use it, as long as you can read & write, you will able to manage your website!

  • Responsive Design Work good with screen size, platform and orientation..

    Responsive Web Design for frontpage area and members area. Responsive Web Design makes your web page look good on all devices (desktops, tablets, and phones).

General Features

  1. Online shop: Sell your products online, ability to sell products to your members (Repeat order) and give them shopping bonus for each sale.
  2. Multi Membership/ Enrollment packages: with unique configuration for each membership type such as Subscription cost, Rewards, Sponsor commissions, Matching bonus, etc...
  3. Great Network Marketing Plans: Revolving matrix, VIP matrix, Regular matrix, Pool bonus, Pass-up bonus, Sponsor bonus, Reward point, etc. Can be easily configured (enable/ disable) for each feature and can be configured for Forced Matrix or Unilevel.
  4. Great Advertising Features: Traffic ads (Paid to Surf - Paid to Click -Paid to Watch), Classified Ads, Banner Ads, Text Ads & Solo Ads with feature of shop ad packages. Can be easily configured (enable/ disable).
  5. Great Investment Features: Unlimited investment packages with advanced configurable options. Can be easily configured (enable/ disable).
  6. Accept crypto payments and other major payment gateways, You can accept various cryptocurrency as well as other popular payment gateways!
  7. E-Pin Features: Manage E-Pins and sell them to your members so your members can join your program using the pins.
  8. Responsive Web Design for frontpage area and members area. Responsive Web Design makes your web page look good on all devices (desktops, tablets, and phones).
  9. Instant messengers support WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, LINE, Telegram, WeChat, Hangouts, Facebook Messenger.
  10. Internal Support Ticketing System. No need to install third party support ticket software, because you own it!
  11. Content Management System. Now will be very easy to change the content of your website, using the 'Online Content Editor' you can edit your website content online in Admin Area. So it will greatly save your time and effort, even for ordinary people will be able to edit their website content or creating new pages by themselves.
  12. Landing Pages Management. You can create unlimited landing pages to promote your website by you or your members.
  13. Image Manager. Changing images on the website can be a difficult job. But in egSuperBusiness it becomes very easy using the Image Manager to upload your image or your company logo. Uploading images is no longer done by manually!
  14. Banner Manager. You can place promotional banner images on the front page also in member area automatically, even comes with a Banner Rotator feature. We guarantee that your website will be more interesting!
  15. Easy To Design. egSuperBusiness is working with smarty template system so it is easy to work with html codes using any standard html editor. You will be able to design easier, add more links or page without any restriction.
    We provide 6 Free Templates with the product package that you can use to beautify your website.
  16. SMS Notification, using email to Sms provider to notify your members using Short Message Service ( SMS ).
  17. Multiple Admin with Level Access. Your website can be maintained by several Admin, and you can specify the level access allowed for each Admin type , so that you can create a team to run your online business activities.
  18. Work with Bitcoin for payments and withdrawals using Blockchain, Coinbase and Bitpay.
  19. Easy web based administration, all management is done through your browser, come with a complete control for each feature available easily in Admin Area.
  20. Ultimate Membership Features such as Upgrade, Downgrade, Disable, Delete, Debit/Credit account balance, Extend subsription, Change Sponsor and many others...
  21. Automatic Activation and withdrawal for payment method which supports Instant Payment Notification.
  22. Subscription Membership. egSuperBusiness can handle of subscription period such as Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly. The membership handled automatically.
  23. Payment & Withdrawal Plugins. An open source code php files which work with Payment Processors, so you will be able to create another payment plugins.
  24. Advance Wallet System, Can work with separate wallet of each payment processor or in one wallet for each payment processor.
  25. Support Multi Languages, you can add any new languages or edit the current language to your own custom language by editing the translation file.
  26. Multi Language Email Notification, such as welcome email, sponsor notification, membership activation, forgot password, membership expired, earning notification and others.
  27. Auto Referral Url with format
  28. Viral PDF to help member promoting through viral ebook marketing
  29. Articles Management & Mini Blog, Write article for members and for public (mini blog)
  30. Custom Member Fields. Able to add another field for member information, also set the required fields on registration or member profile.
  31. Registration Validation email. If you need new members to confirm their email address by sending a confirmation/ validation email.
  32. Income Report (Daily,Weekly and Monthly)
  33. Unlimited Downloadable Products of products/downloadable products
  34. Auto Email, Can be used as Autoresponder/ Auto follow up facility to inactive members and active members.
  35. Backup Database
  36. Full Logging & Report System
  37. No limit members quota, support for unlimited members
  38. Member can show photo/upload profile photo
  39. And many more... Such as Add Fund, Internal Fund Transfer, Search Engine Optimization, Live Support, Social and others... To see more please try the demo here...

Marketing Plan Features

egSuperBusiness + Shop can work with multiple matrix at once such as Revolving matrix, VIP matrix, Regular matrix works simultaneous. You can set the configuration of each matrix such as depth, width and the level commissions. Also can be enable or disable the matrix plan.

  1. Revolving/ Multi Stage Matrix, can create unlimited matrix stage with bonus configuration for each stage
  2. VIP Matrix, Beside income from the Revolving matrix, your members will also earn money from the VIP Matrix. By this matrix your members will also earn money for new members enroll, shop ad packages and purchasing deposit plans.
  3. Forced Matrix or Unilevel, The VIP Matrix can be configured for forced matrix or Unilevel matrix compesation plan.
  4. Regular Matrix, Free members and Paid members will be placed into this matrix if they refer new Paid members. Members in this matrix can be earn bonus for downline upgrade, orders and deposits, Both your members will be earning income!
  5. Shopping bonus, You can give your members commission for each sale, the commission can be given to members in VIP Matrix and Regular Matrix, also for the sponsor.
  6. Pool bonus, If you want to share your revenue to your members you can give them bonus with daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis.
  7. Powerline/ Pass Up, can be set to any amount of pass-up plan.
  8. Sponsor bonus, Commission to your members when they enroll new members.
  9. Reward Point, Can be used as a bonus or special offer for the outstanding member.
  10. Each bonus name can be renamed to suit your needs.
  11. Each matrix can be configured, width and depth can be determined freely (nXn) and set the commission for each level.
  12. Pay commission to sponsor and the network for new members enroll, ads shops and investment program. The commissions can be easily configured.
  13. Genealogy tree for each matrix plan is available.
  14. And many more... To see more please try the demo here...

Ads Features

Everybody knows, product is absolutely needed to create a business. Providing product may be the hardest part for online business, but with egSuperBusiness you can easily provide Advertising service as your product, so nobody will say your business is money game!

  1. Traffic ads (Paid to Surf - Paid to Click -Paid to Watch)
  2. Classified Ads, Banner Ads, Text Ads and Solo Ads
  3. Configurable Ads Option. Create unlimited ads package with the options such as Minimum cost, Members limitation, Display colors, Banner size, etc...
  4. Ads Bidding System. Set the minimum cost (in credits) and let your members decide how much they bid for ad impression, is the best strategy for advertisements.
  5. Buy Ad Credits. Your members are able to shop more Ad credits using their account balance.
  6. Network Commissions. Pay commission to sponsor and they network for Ad credits shops.
  7. Easy Ad placement. You can place ads anywhere! Easy... by writing simple code to any page you wish then the ads system will work automatically.
  8. Unlimited Classified Ads Package with configurable options such as Categories, Display duration, Additional field, Ad Detail and more..
  9. Unlimited Banner Ads Package, you can specify the banner dimesion of each ad package.
  10. Easy Text Ads Design, set the colors for displaying Text Ads.
  11. Solo Ads, displaying a full website advertisement.
  12. And many more... We suggest you to see the demo to see another features...


Investment Features

Optional features included in egSuperBusiness package. You can provide additional income to your members by the investment features!

  1. Unlimited Packages. Create unlimited plan with configurable options.
  2. Multiple Interest Rate. You can set the interest rate for each deposit amount range.
  3. Unlimited Payout Plan. You can set how many times the profit will be paid, up to unlimited.
  4. Compounding. Set Enable or Disable compounding with specific amount allowed and Members can change their compounding percentage anytime.
  5. Cancellation. Set Enable or Disable deposit cancellation with time range allowed.
  6. Working Days. Set the working days of each investment package, so you will be able to select which days the profit will be paid.
  7. Plan Limitation. Able to set membership restriction for investment packages.
  8. Manual Profit Payment. Able to see which deposits needed to pay and perform profit payment manually.
  9. Automatic Profit Payment. Pay profit automatically by system using automation program.
  10. Dinamic Interest rate. You can change the profit interest rate when paying profit manually.
  11. Deposit Default Status. You can set the default status of new deposit (On hold or Running).
  12. Bonus/ Testing Plan. Create a deposit for testing/bonus/giveaway purpose.
  13. Signup Bonus. Able to give any amount to new member joined as a locked balance. The balance is restricted to use with the Bonus/Testing Plan only. This feature will create a massive new members for your program!
  14. Add Fund Commission. You can give commission to members when their downlines perform add fund.
  15. Deposit Referral Commission. You can give commission to members when their downlines create new deposit.
  16. Deposit Level Commission. You can give commission to members network on new deposit created.
  17. Commission Limitation. You can set how the commission will be paid (repeatable or non repeatable) and you can also give free member commission.
  18. Income Calculator. Using Deposit Simulation, your members are able to see how they deposit will be run and calculate the profit will be earned.
  19. Deposit Logs. Members are able to see their deposit history including the profit payments.
  20. Email and SMS notification. You can set email notification and even a SMS notification to your members notifying their deposit activities.
  21. And many more... We suggest you to see the demo to see another features...


Administrator Features

  • Member
    • Member list
    • Add member
    • TOP member
    • Export
    • Member profile
    • Member balance
    • Member network
      • Personal referral
      • Personal prospect
      • Genealogy tree
    • Balance
    • Point
    • Ads Credits
    • Contact
    • History
  • Product shop
    • New orders
    • Processed orders
    • Add order
    • Report
    • Configuration
  • Investment
    • Running list
    • On hold list
    • Completed list
    • Canceled list
    • Deposit earnings
    • Pay profit
    • Configuration
  • Ads
    • Classified ads
    • Banner ads
    • Text ads
    • Solo ads
    • Configuration
  • Funds
    • Withdrawal
    • Payment
    • Pool bonus
  • Contact
    • Send email
    • Auto email
  • History
    • Earning
    • Transfer
    • Point exchange
    • Member Access
    • Statistic
    • Error
    • Automation
  • Management
    • News
    • Testimonial
    • FAQ Manager
    • Download Manager
    • Article Manager / Blog
    • Content Management
    • Landing Pages
    • Referral Banners
    • Report
    • Backup Database
    • Automation
  • Configuration
    • General
    • Network
    • Deposit
    • Registration field
    • Language
    • Email Notification
    • SMS Notification
    • Payment
    • Withdrawal
    • Miscellaneous
  • Plugins
    • Front page
    • Ban
    • Profile photo
    • Viral PDF
    • Instant messenger
    • Captcha code
    • Brute force protection
    • Mail queue
  • Admin
    • Profile
    • Admin list
    • Add admin
    • Access log
    • Admin access
  • Ticket
    • Open
    • Answered
    • Closed
    • New Ticket
    • Configuration

Member Features

  • Profile
    • Personal information
    • Change password
    • Testimonial
  • Account Setting
    • Withdraw information
    • Email notification
    • Profile Photo
    • Instant Messenger
    • Upgrade
  • Products
    • Buy products
    • Order logs
  • Ads
    • Classified Ads
    • Banner Ads
    • Text Ads
    • Solo Ads
    • Buy Credits
  • Funds
    • Add Fund
    • Withdraw
    • Transfer
    • Exchange Point
  • Investment
    • Make deposit
    • Deposit logs
      • Edit deposit
      • Earning history
  • Network
    • Promotion center
    • Inactive Referral
    • Active Referral
    • VIP Matrix
    • Revolving Matrix
    • Regular Matrix
    • Sponsor Information
  • Products
    • Downloads
    • Articles
  • Support
    • FAQs
    • News
    • Support Ticket
  • Logs
    • Earnings
    • Withdrawals
    • Transfers
    • Payments
    • Exchanges
  • Logout

Server Requirements

Most of the professional web hosting company already support for our software requirements:

  • Web server with PHP 7.0 or higher
    * Web Space 100 MB ++
    * CURL must be installed and be compiled into PHP
    * Free IonCube loader is required by PHP
    * Php register_globals = Off
    * Cron job in Cpanel
  • MySql database
  • Sendmail or Smtp

Buy egSuperBusiness + Shop


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Latest News

January 22, 2025:
An update of egMLM now available, The current version is 2.3 and egMLM is better with improvement and new features such as: Now work with PHP 8 Clean URL for frontpage areas Improvement with design of Admin & Members dashboard, Frontpage and Store areas. Many new payment plugins and new method of payment method New method of withdrawal request to add more security Function to send text message by SMS or WhatsApp Text Message Security improvement on the shopping cart and the payment options. Security patches for members area and admin area Improvement with all Genealogy Tree Improvement with error reporting Improvement with TinyMCE content editor Improvement with Email Auto Follow Up Improvement with Admin functions Improvement with menus And other improvements and fixes, please visit demo website to see more... Download your copyThe update is available to download in your account area and update instruction is available in product tutorials. Please log in to your account area to access them.   Best regards, EGN Software  
April 29, 2024:
egMember version 2.0 has been released. egMember v2.0 is a completely new software with so many new features and improvements such as: Php upgrade - Now PHP 8++ New 3 Mobile friendly templates/ Responsive Web Design Multi Membership Packages with unique configuration for each membership Powerful Bonus Options such as Unilevel bonus, Sponsor bonus, X-Up bonus, Reward point, Ranks and Pool rewards Now you can sell or offer Unlimited Articles & Downloads with multi categories and unique configurations 33 payment plugins, now supporting Bitcoin/Crypto payments, Banks, Credit cards, mobile wallet and many more Improvements with Membership Security such as IP Validation, Browser Agent Validation, Login PIN, Secure/ SSL Login, Transaction PIN Advanced mailing system: Mass email and Auto responder/ Auto follow up with configuration to send to specific users/ members or specific membership type Improvements with email and text notification. Now you can send text notification by SMS or Whatsapp directly to members mobile phone. Advanced Genealogy Tree to see downlines with easy way Improvements with ePin system for registration and member sponsoring Improvements with I... 
January 27, 2024:
An update of egMLM + Revenue Sharing is available (v1.1). egMLM + Revenue Sharing is getting better with improvement and new features such as: Improvement with Member Area security Improvement with new member Regular matrix placement Improvement with Templating system Improvement with Binary Genealogy Tree Improvement with Add downline on page Binary Genealogy Tree Fix problem with email validation on new member registration And other improvements and fixes, please visit demo of egMLM + Revenue Sharing to see more.   Download your copyThe update is available to download in your account area and update instruction is available in product tutorials. Please log in to your account area to access them.   Best regards, EGN Software 
June 16, 2023:
A new version of egMLM now available, The current version is 2.0 and egMLM is better with improvement and new features such as: New account functions: Add new options in Admin area on Downgrade members and Delete members, Admin can choose how the system manage the position in the network. New Network configuration: New member position in Binary Network, now Admin can configure the default option for new members position in the Binary tree: Automatic Outer Left or Right, Automatic Pair Left/Right, Position Left or Position  Right New withdrawal plugin: Metamaskwallet - Working with Binance Smart Chain and the custom tokens New template: Template4, New layout position and work with multi language features provided by, so your website will work with many language translation. And other improvements and fixes, please visit demo website to see more...   Download your copyThe update is available to download in your account area and update instruction is available in product tutorials. Please log in to your account area to access them.   Best regards, EGN Software 
March 24, 2022:
We are pleased to release a new software in lineup of EGN's products: egMLM + Revenue Sharing egMLM + Revenue Sharing is a Multi Level Marketing Software that you use to build your Network Marketing Business/ MLM business and also provide Revenue Sharing or Investment Plans to your members on the same website. egMLM + Revenue Sharing allow you to configure custom networking pay plans and compensation rule such as Binary plan, Pairing bonus, Matching bonus, Unilevel matrix, Revolving matrix, Regular matrix, Pool bonus, Reward bonus, Pass-up bonus, Sponsor bonus, Reward point, etc. egMLM + Revenue Sharing is also  includes necessary features like Advanced Revenue Sharing Program with configurable and unlimited plan, Multi Membership/ Enrollment packages, E-wallet, managing distributors & downline members, Ranks, handling MLM leads, processing commissions & payouts, track sales volumes, statistics, ePIN, eCopupon, ecommerce/Online Shop/ Shopping cart and many more. Product's details please click here... To visit demo site, please click here...   Good luck for your business and Best regards, EGN Software  

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